Tag Archives: transvestism

Some recent pics

Thought it was time to put up some recent pics.  I bought a new wig a few weeks ago and have enjoyed a renewed passion for expressing my femme side.  It certainly is true that having a quality wig makes all the difference .

A short update

I felt a need to get some things down in writing, so I thought I’d post a quick update on things.

I realise that many of you will find this post a whole lot of nothing, and it probably is from a readers’ perspective – not that anyone’s felt a need to comment on anything I’ve put up lately.  If you don’t comment I won’t know what you like or hate about my ramblings.  So I will continue to just knock this stuff out as I see fit – not that things would change much if there were tons of comments because I find it good therapy to write these things down.

I while ago I posted a blog asking why things were different this time around.  Well, the extended period of dressing is still going on and I still have no explanation.  I am no more stressed than I usually am at work or in my personal life, so it isn’t some kind of sub-conscious way of dealing with that.

Continue reading A short update

Another real-world shopping experience

Just thought I’d put this out there to assure some of the doubters out there that shopping as a male for female clothes can be more enjoyable than you might think.

This is all true and happened on the afternoon of October 17.

I finished work at my usual time and headed for the train station. I managed to get there a little early which meant I had time for some window shopping, so I headed to the shops nearby. I ended up being enticed by the lovely display inside the Ann Summers store and went in. The assistant came up after a suitable period, asking if I needed help.

I’ve done a fair amount of shopping in the past and I find that honesty ‘normally’ helps – I mean if you go in with the “it’s for my wife / girlfriend”, sure the assistant will be helpful but how useful is that help really? If you tell them straight out that it’s for you they can (and mostly do) offer some opinions based on your height, shape etc. Of course, you’re under no obligation to take that advice but I find it their honesty refreshing. Continue reading Another real-world shopping experience